Reducing workplace trauma and burnout
Wednesday 23rd November 2016
‘Reducing workplace trauma and burnout’ workshop is an investment in your professional wellbeing and resilience because you matter as much as your clients. – Sam
Are you a first responder? Does your work involve helping others? Do you hear/see/read traumatic stories regularly at work? Are you exposed to ‘the cost of caring’?
Vicarious trauma and burnout are occupational hazards from working in emergency services (e.g. police, paramedics, ED staff, fire-fighters) and helping professions (e.g. nursing, social work teaching, vets) that can seriously impact well-being.
We are transformed and impacted by tough jobs like these, for better and worse. To help others, we need to look after ourselves.
Workshop overview
Presented by renowned Adelaide psychologist, Samantha Young, Director Broomhall Young Psychology, this workshop explores the ‘costs of caring’ and provides information, self-audit, skills and self-care processes and tools to support professionals working in tough jobs that expose them to secondary trauma.
The key concepts of occupational stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are defined and then early warning signs, symptoms and observable behaviours associated with these conditions are identified and discussed.
Personal and organisational strategies for minimising the impact of occupational trauma are reviewed including development of an individualised self-care plan.
We have to take care of ourselves and reflect on what has led us to engage in our work, the impact it has on us, and the meaning of and lessons gained from what we do.
It is a gift to accompany clients on their path to healing from trauma.
And we must value that gift by taking care of ourselves and cultivating our resources to continue to serve those clients who need our help in ways that do not require an unbearable price in our own mental and physical wellbeing.
Topics covered in this workshop:
- Define concepts of stress, burnout, vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue
- Identify early warnings signs and symptoms of these conditions
- Develop strategies for increased self-care and resilience
On completing this workshop you will be able to:
- Describe the concepts and symptoms of occupational stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatisation
- Implement individual and organisational strategies to minimise these risks
- Formulate a self-care action plan

Facilitator: Samantha Young
Samantha is Company Director of one of Adelaide’s leading boutique psychology companies, Broomhall Young Psychology (BYP). She holds a Masters of Psychology and Masters of Business Administration, reflecting her commitment and passion in delivering high quality, positive psychology and wellbeing solutions to South Australian business.
As one of Adelaide’s most renowned and experienced training and workshop facilitators, Samantha has delivered many bespoke training programs, executive coaching and professional and personal development programs.
Her training programs are available to all levels of employees from executive management and company leaders through to front line staff.
Samantha has a special interest in executive coaching and training for women.
Samantha provides training for host of public and private organisations in South Australia including Salisbury Council, Motor Accident Commission, University of South Australia, Adelaide University and The South Australian certificate of Education (SACE) Board.
As a clinical psychologist, she is able to combine scientific theory with ‘real-life’ practical examples to make training more relevant and interesting for participants.