Manager Assist

What is Manager Assist?

Manager Assist provides a confidential, high level professional support to leaders, managers and supervisors, to assist managing challenging people-orientated workplace situations. Manager Assist has been developed to provide leaders, managers and supervisors with an opportunity to obtain timely and confidential support as they lead.

Manager Assist

Types of support for for managers include:

    • • Brief consultations with leaders, managers and supervisors by phone or email (Manager Support Line)
      • Coaching for leaders, managers and supervisors.
      • Skills training.
      • Leaders, managers and supervisors / Executive Coaching.
      • Consultation on managing difficult conversations with staff.
      • Complex Human Resources case consultation.

Manager Support Line

Human Psychology provides a Manager Support Line, accessible via telephone or email, to discuss concerns or issues. Queries will generally be responded to within 24 hours (unless assessed as critical or urgent). Managers will receive initial recommendations and advice from a highly trained clinician. Human Psychology provides access to specialised support for dealing with Aboriginal culture-based concerns.

Venn diagram depicting manager assist in the middle, with the manager, HR & wellbeing teams and Human Psychology interlinking around it

The Integrated Approach

Human Psychology has partnered with SA Health to develop a sound understanding of the culture, operations and human factors within the organisation. This understanding facilitates delivery of an integrated support system for leaders, managers and supervisors to thrive and grow.

How to access Manager Assist

Managers can initially contact Human Psychology for confidential guidance, to request advice, to discuss issues and concerns or seek recommendations on a situation from a clinician. Manager Assist is accessible via face-to-face or via Telehealth – phone consults or virtual platforms. and can be scheduled by contacting 1300 277 924.


Please click on the links below to download information.

Emergency Information

If you or someone else needs urgent support, help is available: 

If you or a friend’s life is at immediate risk, call Triple 000 straight away

Mental Health Triage Service
13 14 65

13 11 14

Beyond Blue
1300 224 636