City of Unley Critical Incident

Information on Critical Incidents

The City of Unley
Call 1300 277 924

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week - 1300 277 924

The Critical Incident Support Service is available to City of Unley employees, immediate family members and volunteers.

What is a Critical Incident?

A critical incident is a sudden, extraordinary and unexpected event that poses an actual or perceived threat to an employee’s wellbeing that produces a strong emotional response that temporarily overwhelms the ability to cope.

Examples of critical incidents include:

  • Death, attempted suicide
  • Exposure to a gruesome situation (e.g. blood, injuries)
  • Significant threat to safety, e.g. assault, threat to harm, hostage taking
  • Significant death or serious injury of a colleague or loved one

Non-Critical Incidents

Emotional distress within the normal range of human experience is not a critical incident. Please contact Human Psychology on 1300 277 924 for counselling if you are going through a personal crisis. 


If you or a family member are experiencing thoughts of self-harm and there is an immediate threat to safety, call and request suitable emergency assistance (see Emergency Information below).

An image of a young uni student writing on the blackboard during a class

What happens when Critical Incident Support is requested?

When you call 1300 277 924 your call will be assigned to a Clinician who will work with you to develop a Critical Incident Plan. The Clinician will provide you with information and strategies to support your people. The plan may involve a Clinician(s) attending the work site.

Please have readily available when making a Critical Incident Support call:

  • State that you are calling from City of Unley and immediate assistance is requested.
  • Give your name, location and contact number(s).
  • Give a summary of the incident, number of people involved and whether there is police/emergency services in attendance.

Critical Incident Support (after-hours)

After hours, your call will be answered and a message taken and a Clinician will return your call typically within 20 minutes of being notified.


Emergency Information

If you or someone else needs urgent support, help is available: 

If you or a friend’s life is at immediate risk, call Triple 000 straight away

Lifeline – 13 11 14

Mental Health Triage Service – 13 14 65

Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636

Women’s Safety Services – 1800 800 098